The Most Successful Colony, Ranked

Choose the colony you think is the most successful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 19, 2024 06:59
Assessing the success of various colonies offers insightful perspectives on history and progress. It reveals the myriad factors that contribute to the flourishing of societies under diverse conditions. By exploring these narratives, we gain a better understanding of different strategies and outcomes that shaped the world. This site allows you to participate actively in shaping how these stories are told by casting your vote. Every vote is a voice, contributing to a dynamic consensus on which colonies stand out throughout history. Your participation not only helps in ranking these entities but enriches our collective narrative.

What Is the Most Successful Colony?

  1. 1

    United States

    Originally 13 British colonies, the United States declared independence in 1776, becoming one of the world's leading nations.
    • Independence Declared: July 4, 1776
    • Original Colonies: 13
  2. 2

    Hong Kong

    A British colony from 1842 until its handover to China in 1997, Hong Kong developed into a major global financial center.
    • Handover to China: July 1, 1997
    • Established as Colony: 1842
  3. 3


    Initially a Spanish colony, Argentina declared its independence in 1816 and is known for its rich cultural heritage, including tango.
    • Independence Declared: July 9, 1816
    • Known For: Tango
  4. 4

    South Africa

    Initially a Dutch colony, then British, South Africa became a republic in 1961 and has since overcome apartheid to become a leading African nation.
    • Republic Declared: May 31, 1961
    • Apartheid Ended: 1994
  5. 5


    A Portuguese colony that declared independence in 1822, Brazil is the largest country in South America and boasts a diverse ecosystem.
    • Independence Day: September 7, 1822
    • Original Colonizer: Portugal
  6. 6


    Initially French and later British colony, Canada achieved self-governance in 1867 and full independence in 1982.
    • Confederation: July 1, 1867
    • Full Independence: 1982
  7. 7

    New Zealand

    A British colony that became a dominion in 1907, New Zealand is known for its stunning landscapes and Maori culture.
    • Dominion Status: September 26, 1907
    • Known For: Maori Culture
  8. 8


    A British penal colony turned independent nation in 1901, Australia is now a prosperous and highly developed country.
    • Federation: January 1, 1901
    • Original Purpose: Penal Colony
  9. 9


    Under British rule for nearly 200 years, India gained independence in 1947 and has since become a major global economy.
    • Independence Day: August 15, 1947
    • Colonial Period: Nearly 200 years
  10. 10


    A British trading post in the 19th century, Singapore gained independence in 1965 and has become one of the world's most prosperous countries.
    • Independence: August 9, 1965
    • Original Purpose: Trading Post

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most successful colony. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Colony is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Colony once every 24 hours. The rank of each Colony is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Successful Colony

United States
Rank #1 for the most successful colony: United States (Source)
In the early days of exploration, many sought new lands. They crossed oceans, faced unknown dangers, and aimed for prosperity. Among these ventures, one colony stood out. It did not just survive; it thrived.

The founders chose a strategic location. They settled near a river, which provided fresh water and a means of transport. The soil was fertile, ideal for farming. They grew crops that sustained them and could be traded. This ensured a steady food supply and economic growth.

The settlers built strong relations with the native people. They learned local farming techniques and traded goods. This cooperation led to mutual benefits. Knowledge exchange boosted agricultural output and trade expanded. This harmony was key to the colony’s success.

Governance played a vital role. Leaders established clear rules and laws. They ensured fair treatment and justice. This created a stable society where people felt safe. It attracted more settlers who wanted to be part of a well-organized community.

Education was a priority. Schools were set up early on. Children learned to read, write, and do basic math. This focus on education led to a literate population. It also prepared the young for future leadership roles.

The colony diversified its economy. Besides farming, they engaged in fishing, hunting, and later, manufacturing. They produced goods that were in demand both locally and abroad. This created jobs and wealth. It also made the colony less dependent on any single resource.

Trade networks expanded. The colony established connections with other settlements and countries. They exported surplus goods and imported what they lacked. This exchange of goods and ideas enriched the colony. It also provided a buffer against local shortages.

Defense was another priority. The settlers built fortifications to protect against threats. They trained a local militia for defense. This ensured that the colony could defend itself against attacks and maintain peace.

Innovation flourished. The settlers were inventive. They developed new tools and techniques to improve farming and other activities. This spirit of innovation kept the colony ahead of challenges.

Healthcare was not neglected. They set up basic medical facilities. They trained individuals in simple medical practices. This improved overall health and reduced mortality rates. A healthier population contributed to a more productive society.

Religious and cultural practices were respected. The settlers built places of worship and held regular gatherings. This fostered a sense of community and belonging. It also provided moral guidance and social cohesion.

As the colony grew, it attracted skilled individuals. Artisans, craftsmen, and professionals moved in. They brought their expertise, which further enriched the community. This influx of talent spurred development in various sectors.

The colony’s success was not due to a single factor. It was a combination of strategic planning, cooperation, strong governance, education, economic diversification, trade, defense, innovation, healthcare, and cultural respect. These elements worked together to create a thriving and prosperous community. The lessons from this colony can serve as a blueprint for building successful societies.

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