The Most Popular Song from Cats, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 28, 2024 07:14
Ranking popular songs from musicals such as Cats can be quite useful for both new audiences and longtime fans. For someone just getting acquainted with the musical, it offers a guided path into its significant moments. For ardent supporters, it provides a space to express which pieces resonate most deeply with them, perhaps influenced by narratives or melodies. By participating in voting, users contribute their voice to a growing community of enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Each vote helps to highlight what may be considered the standout songs of the musical, creating a dynamic list that reflects the collective appreciation. This interaction not only enriches the user's experience but also paints a broader picture of the musical's impact.

What Is the Most Popular Song from Cats?

  1. 1


    The most famous and beloved song from Cats, performed by the character Grizabella.
    • Character: Grizabella
    • Performer: Elaine Paige (original London cast)
  2. 2

    Mr. Mistoffelees

    A magical number performed by the character Mr. Mistoffelees.
    • Character: Mr. Mistoffelees
  3. 3

    Macavity: The Mystery Cat

    A song about the master criminal cat, Macavity.
    • Character: Macavity
  4. 4

    Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat

    A song about the neat and orderly railway cat.
    • Character: Skimbleshanks
  5. 5

    Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer

    A fun and mischievous song about the notorious cat duo.
    • Characters: Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
  6. 6

    Gus: The Theatre Cat

    A nostalgic number about the once-great actor, Gus.
    • Character: Gus
  7. 7

    The Rum Tum Tugger

    A rock-and-roll number about the rebellious Rum Tum Tugger.
    • Character: Rum Tum Tugger
  8. 8

    The Naming of Cats

    The opening number which introduces the concept of cat names.
    • Type: Opening
  9. 9

    The Jellicle Ball

    An instrumental number showcasing the Jellicle Cats' dance.
    • Type: Instrumental
  10. 10

    Old Deuteronomy

    A song in honor of the wise and beloved leader of the Jellicle Cats.
    • Character: Old Deuteronomy

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular song from Cats. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 118 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Song from Cats

Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical "Cats" has captivated audiences since its debut in 1981. Based on T.S. Eliot's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats," the show blends poetry and music. Each cat in the musical has its own story, but one song stands out as the most famous.

The song in question is an emotional ballad. It captures the essence of longing and reflection. The character who sings it is a once-glamorous feline. She now seeks acceptance and redemption. Her past fame contrasts with her current state. This contrast adds depth to her performance.

The melody is haunting. It stays with listeners long after the show ends. The lyrics speak of past joys and present sorrows. They evoke a sense of nostalgia. The song's structure allows the singer to showcase their vocal range. It often becomes a highlight of the production.

The song's popularity extends beyond the stage. Many artists have covered it. These renditions span various genres. Each new version brings a fresh take on the classic. The song has also found its way into popular culture. It appears in movies, TV shows, and commercials.

Critics and fans alike praise the song. They admire its emotional depth and musical composition. It has won awards and accolades. The song's success contributes to the musical's enduring legacy.

The character who sings this ballad often becomes a fan favorite. Audiences connect with her story. Her performance often moves people to tears. This connection is a testament to the power of the song.

The musical's director and cast members recognize the song's impact. They often speak of its importance in interviews. They understand its role in the show's success. The song serves as a focal point in the narrative. It ties together the themes of memory and identity.

Many aspiring singers choose this song for auditions. They see it as a chance to showcase their talent. The song's complexity challenges them. It requires both technical skill and emotional expression. Successful performances can launch careers.

The song's influence is evident in various adaptations of "Cats." Whether on stage or screen, it remains a pivotal moment. Directors often take special care with its presentation. They aim to preserve its original magic while adding their own touch.

In conclusion, this song from "Cats" stands out for many reasons. Its melody, lyrics, and emotional weight make it unforgettable. It resonates with audiences and performers alike. Its legacy continues to grow, ensuring that it will be cherished for years to come.

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