The Most Popular Ship among Xiao, Ranked

Choose the ship among Xiao you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 07:12
Fans of Xiao often debate which ship stands as the community favorite, an engaging discussion given the depth of characters involved. This dynamic interaction showcases a diverse range of opinions and preferences. By giving a space to rank these options, fans can see which relationships resonate the most with the broader audience. Having a live ranking system contributes significantly to ongoing discussions and fan engagement. It creates a continuously updating snapshot of community sentiment that can shift with new developments and insights. Your votes matter here, helping to shape the current consensus and highlight which ships capture the collective imagination.

What Is the Most Popular Ship among Xiao?

  1. 1


    A ship between Xiao and the male Traveler, Aether, from Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Player's interaction with Xiao through Aether.
  2. 2


    A ship involving Xiao and Albedo, the Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt in Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Fan fascination with their potential interactions.
  3. 3


    A ship involving Xiao and the female Traveler, Lumine, from Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Player's interaction with Xiao through Lumine.
  4. 4


    A ship between Xiao and Venti, two characters from Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Their deep lore connection and contrasting personalities.
  5. 5


    A ship between Xiao and Childe (Tartaglia), a member of the Fatui Harbingers in Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: The intriguing dynamic of their contrasting morals and affiliations.
  6. 6


    A ship between Xiao and Xingqiu from Genshin Impact, exploring their potential friendship or more.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Fan creativity in imagining interactions between them.
  7. 7


    A ship involving Xiao and Diluc, the wealthy winery owner from Mondstadt in Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Fans find the idea of their unlikely alliance intriguing.
  8. 8


    A ship between Xiao and Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing in Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: The dynamic between Xiao's reserved nature and Ningguang's leadership qualities.
  9. 9


    A ship between Xiao and Zhongli, two adepti from Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Their shared history and connection as adepti.
  10. 10


    A ship involving Xiao and Qiqi, an adeptus and a zombie child from Genshin Impact.
    • Origin: Genshin Impact
    • Popularity Reason: Their shared adeptus background and the contrast between Xiao's seriousness and Qiqi's innocence.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular ship among Xiao. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Xiao is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Xiao once every 24 hours. The rank of each Xiao is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Ship among Xiao

In the world of anime and gaming, character pairings often spark interest and debate among fans. One character who has captured many hearts is Xiao. He is a mysterious and complex figure with a rich backstory. Fans love to imagine him in various relationships, creating ships that explore different aspects of his personality.

Xiao's character is defined by his stoic demeanor and deep sense of duty. He is often portrayed as a loner, burdened by his past. This makes him a fascinating subject for fan fiction and art. People enjoy exploring how he might interact with others, especially those who can break through his tough exterior.

The appeal of shipping Xiao with other characters lies in the potential for growth and healing. Many fans see these relationships as a way for Xiao to find solace and connection. They imagine scenarios where he learns to trust and open up. This adds depth to his character and provides a sense of hope.

Fans often pair Xiao with characters who contrast with his serious nature. This dynamic creates interesting interactions and allows for a balance of personalities. The idea of opposites attracting plays a significant role in these ships. It offers a way to explore how different traits can complement each other.

Another popular theme in Xiao's ships is the concept of shared pain and understanding. Fans like to pair him with characters who have also faced hardships. This creates a bond based on mutual experiences. It allows both characters to find comfort and strength in one another. This theme resonates deeply with many fans, as it reflects real-life relationships.

The fan community around Xiao is vibrant and creative. They produce a wide range of content, from fan art to detailed stories. This content often explores various facets of Xiao's personality and relationships. It allows fans to engage with the character on a deeper level.

The popularity of Xiao's ships also highlights the importance of character development in storytelling. Fans are drawn to characters who are multi-dimensional and have room for growth. Xiao's complex background and inner struggles make him a perfect candidate for this kind of exploration.

In conclusion, the fascination with shipping Xiao stems from his intriguing character and the potential for emotional growth. Fans enjoy imagining how he might find connection and healing through relationships. This not only deepens their engagement with the character but also enriches the overall narrative. The creativity and passion of the fan community continue to keep Xiao's ships alive and thriving.

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