The Most Popular Female Name in Thailand, Ranked

Choose the female name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 17, 2024 06:38
Determining the most popular female name in Thailand can be an insightful resource for new parents searching for the perfect name for their daughter, or for anyone curious about naming trends. Given the cultural significance tied to names, it can help provide a sense of the historical and contemporary influences that shape these choices. This list brings together names from various origins, each carrying its own unique background and story. By participating in the voting process for the most popular female names, you contribute to a community-driven result that reflects current preferences and trends. This dynamic ranking updates regularly based on new votes, ensuring that the list remains relevant and accurate. Your input is crucial in helping others understand which names are resonating today within communities across Thailand.

What Is the Most Popular Female Name in Thailand?

  1. 1


    A name meaning 'civilization', 'beautiful', or 'perfect' in Thai.
    • Meaning: Civilization, beautiful, or perfect
  2. 2


    A popular Thai name meaning 'glorious blessing'.
    • Meaning: Glorious blessing
  3. 3


    Refers to the color 'pink' in Thai, often used as a name.
    • Meaning: Pink
  4. 4


    A Thai name meaning 'born into happiness'.
    • Meaning: Born into happiness
  5. 5


    Signifies 'night jasmine', a common Thai name.
    • Meaning: Night jasmine
  6. 6


    A common name meaning 'daughter' or 'girl' in Thai.
    • Meaning: Daughter or girl
  7. 7


    A name meaning 'diamond' or 'gem' in Thai.
    • Meaning: Diamond or gem
  8. 8


    Means 'divine blessing' or 'heavenly blessing' in Thai.
    • Meaning: Divine blessing or heavenly blessing
  9. 9


    Means 'girl' or 'daughter' in Thai, similar to Suda.
    • Meaning: Girl or daughter
  10. 10


    Means 'beautiful blessing' in Thai.
    • Meaning: Beautiful blessing

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular female name in Thailand. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Girl is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 3 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Girl once every 24 hours. The rank of each Girl is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Female Name in Thailand

In Thailand, names carry deep cultural significance. The most popular female names reflect the rich traditions and values of Thai society. Understanding these names provides insight into the culture and history of the country.

Thai names often have meanings tied to beauty, nature, and virtue. Parents choose names with care, hoping to bestow good fortune and positive traits on their children. The popularity of certain names can change over time, influenced by trends, famous personalities, and cultural shifts.

Many Thai names are derived from Pali and Sanskrit, the ancient languages of Buddhism and Hinduism. These names often have spiritual meanings, reflecting the importance of religion in Thai culture. For example, names might signify light, purity, or wisdom. Such names are chosen to inspire and guide individuals throughout their lives.

The structure of Thai names also includes a given name and a family name. However, it is the given name that carries the most personal significance. Nicknames are also common in Thailand, often given at birth and used in everyday life. These nicknames can be playful, affectionate, or descriptive.

The process of naming a child can involve consultation with monks or astrologers. This practice ensures that the name aligns with the child's astrological chart and brings good luck. The belief in the power of names is strong, and many people may change their names later in life to improve their fortunes.

In modern times, Western influences have also affected naming trends. Some parents choose names that are easy to pronounce internationally, reflecting a more global outlook. Despite this, traditional names remain popular, preserving the cultural heritage.

Names in Thailand are more than just labels; they are an integral part of identity and cultural expression. They connect individuals to their roots and convey the hopes and dreams of their families. The most popular female names in Thailand are a testament to the enduring values and rich history of the Thai people.

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