The Most Famous Doctor in India, Ranked

Choose the doctor you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 29, 2024 07:42
Determining the most notable doctors in India serves multiple purposes. For patients seeking quality medical care, knowing who stands out in the medical community can guide their choices. For medical professionals, a ranked list highlights achievements and contributions, setting benchmarks for excellence. This website lets you voice your opinion by voting for who you believe deserves recognition among India's medical practitioners. The resulting live rankings provide an updated view of who is leading in the field according to collective public opinion, reflecting real-time shifts and new emerging leaders.

Who Is the Most Famous Doctor in India?

  1. 1

    Dr. Balamurali Ambati

    An ophthalmologist known for being the world's youngest doctor (at age 17) and for his extensive research in corneal transplantation.
    • Specialization: Ophthalmology
    • Record: World's Youngest Doctor
  2. 2

    Dr. Prathap C. Reddy

    The founder of Apollo Hospitals, one of the first corporate health care chains in India.
    • Specialization: Cardiologist
    • Founded: Apollo Hospitals
  3. 3

    Dr. Naresh Trehan

    A cardiovascular and cardiothoracic surgeon, he is the chairman and managing director of Medanta - The Medicity.
    • Specialization: Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic Surgery
    • Hospital: Medanta - The Medicity
  4. 4

    Dr. Randeep Guleria

    A pulmonologist and the current Director of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi.
    • Specialization: Pulmonology
    • Position: Director of AIIMS Delhi
  5. 5

    Dr. Ramakanta Panda

    Vice Chairman and Chief Consultant for Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery at the Asian Heart Institute, known for his expertise in complex heart surgeries.
    • Specialization: Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery
    • Expertise: Complex heart surgeries
  6. 6

    Dr. A. S. Soin

    A leading liver transplant surgeon who has performed more than 3000 liver transplants.
    • Specialization: Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgery
    • Transplants Performed: Over 3000
  7. 7

    Dr. Devi Shetty

    A renowned cardiac surgeon and the founder of Narayana Health, a chain of 21 medical centers in India.
    • Specialization: Cardiac Surgery
    • Founded: Narayana Health
  8. 8

    Dr. V. Mohan

    An eminent diabetologist who has contributed significantly to the field of diabetes research and runs a chain of diabetes centers across India.
    • Specialization: Diabetology
    • Achievements: Significant contributions to diabetes research
  9. 9

    Dr. Ashok Seth

    An internationally acclaimed cardiologist who has pioneered numerous cardiac techniques and interventions.
    • Specialization: Cardiology
    • Contributions: Pioneered numerous cardiac techniques
  10. 10

    Dr. S.S. Badrinath

    The founder of Sankara Nethralaya, a not-for-profit missionary institution for ophthalmic care, known for his contributions to the field of ophthalmology.
    • Specialization: Ophthalmology
    • Founded: Sankara Nethralaya

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous doctor in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Physician is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Physician once every 24 hours. The rank of each Physician is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Doctor in India

Dr. Balamurali Ambati
Rank #1 for the most famous doctor in India: Dr. Balamurali Ambati (Source)
India has a rich history of medicine. Over time, many doctors have risen to prominence. These doctors have made significant contributions to the field of medicine. They have worked in various specialties, from surgery to general medicine. Their work has saved countless lives and improved the health of many.

One doctor became well-known for his work in heart surgery. He performed many successful operations. His techniques were advanced and innovative. He trained many young doctors, passing on his knowledge. His dedication to his patients was unmatched. He often worked long hours, ensuring each patient received the best care.

Another doctor gained fame for his research in cancer treatment. He developed new methods to treat different types of cancer. His research was published in many medical journals. He also worked closely with other researchers worldwide. His efforts led to better treatment options for cancer patients.

A third doctor was known for his work in pediatrics. He had a special way with children. His gentle approach made young patients feel at ease. He also worked to improve child healthcare in rural areas. His outreach programs brought medical care to many who had never seen a doctor before.

In the field of orthopedics, one doctor stood out. He developed new surgical techniques to treat bone injuries. His methods reduced recovery time for patients. He also designed new medical devices to aid in surgery. His work helped many people regain mobility.

Another prominent figure worked in public health. He led campaigns to eradicate diseases like polio and tuberculosis. His efforts were instrumental in reducing the spread of these diseases. He also promoted the importance of vaccinations. His work saved many lives and improved public health.

These doctors did not work alone. They collaborated with other medical professionals. They participated in conferences and workshops. They shared their knowledge and learned from others. Their dedication to medicine was evident in their work.

Many of these doctors received awards and recognition for their contributions. They were honored by medical institutions and governments. Their work was celebrated in the media. They became role models for aspiring doctors.

Their impact went beyond their medical achievements. They inspired others to pursue careers in medicine. They mentored young doctors, guiding them in their careers. Their legacy continues through the work of those they trained.

The contributions of these doctors have had a lasting impact on healthcare in India. Their innovations and dedication have improved the quality of medical care. Their work has saved lives and alleviated suffering. They have set a high standard for medical professionals in India.

Their stories are a testament to the power of dedication and innovation in medicine. They have shown that one person can make a significant difference. Their work continues to inspire new generations of doctors. Through their efforts, they have left an indelible mark on the field of medicine in India.

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