The Most Beautiful Goal, Ranked

Choose the goal you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 29, 2024 06:21
Goals in sports are moments that resonate with fans long after the games are over, often celebrated for their beauty, precision, and the skill executed. They fuel spirited debates among fans and analysts alike, who argue about the technique, the context, and the overall brilliance of these unforgettable moments. By casting your vote on what you believe is the most beautiful goal, you contribute to a collective judgment that defines standout moments in sports history. This interactive process not only allows you to engage actively but also connects you with other enthusiasts who share your passion. Your participation shapes the crescendo of opinions, ultimately determining which goals are celebrated as the most aesthetically pleasing.

What Is the Most Beautiful Goal?

  1. 1

    Roberto Carlos vs France, 1997

    A physics-defying free kick from 35 yards out.
    • Competition: Tournoi de France
    • Date: 3 June 1997
  2. 2

    Diego Maradona vs England, 1986

    Known as the 'Goal of the Century', Maradona dribbled past five England players to score.
    • Competition: 1986 FIFA World Cup
    • Date: 22 June 1986
  3. 3

    Lionel Messi vs Getafe, 2007

    A solo goal reminiscent of Maradona's 'Goal of the Century'.
    • Competition: Copa del Rey
    • Date: 18 April 2007
  4. 4

    Dennis Bergkamp vs Newcastle, 2002

    A brilliant turn and finish after a flick that left the defender stranded.
    • Competition: Premier League
    • Date: 2 March 2002
  5. 5

    Cristiano Ronaldo vs Porto, 2009

    A long-range strike from 40 yards out in the UEFA Champions League.
    • Competition: UEFA Champions League
    • Date: 15 April 2009
  6. 6

    Ronaldinho vs Villarreal, 2007

    An audacious bicycle kick from the edge of the box.
    • Competition: La Liga
    • Date: 25 November 2007
  7. 7

    George Weah vs Verona, 1996

    A powerful solo run from his own penalty area.
    • Competition: Serie A
    • Date: 8 September 1996
  8. 8

    Zinedine Zidane vs Bayer Leverkusen, 2002

    A stunning left-foot volley in the UEFA Champions League final.
    • Competition: UEFA Champions League Final
    • Date: 15 May 2002
  9. 9

    Marco van Basten vs USSR, 1988

    An impossible angle volley in the UEFA European Championship final.
    • Competition: UEFA European Championship
    • Date: 25 June 1988
  10. 10

    James Rodríguez vs Uruguay, 2014

    A stunning turn and volley from outside the box in the FIFA World Cup.
    • Competition: FIFA World Cup
    • Date: 28 June 2014

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful goal. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or goal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each goal once every 24 hours. The rank of each goal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Goal

Roberto Carlos vs France, 1997
Rank #1 for the most beautiful goal: Roberto Carlos vs France, 1997 (Source)
Goals are the essence of soccer. They bring joy to fans and players alike. A beautiful goal lingers in memory. It can change the course of a game. But what makes a goal beautiful?

First, there is skill. A player must control the ball. They need to dribble past defenders. This requires precision. The player must know when to pass and when to shoot. Timing is crucial. A well-timed shot can catch the goalkeeper off guard.

Next, there is creativity. A beautiful goal often involves clever moves. A backheel pass can confuse the defense. A bicycle kick can surprise everyone. These moves show the player's imagination. They add flair to the game.

Teamwork also plays a role. A beautiful goal can be the result of many passes. Each player must know their role. They must trust each other. A well-coordinated attack can break down the toughest defense. This shows the importance of unity in soccer.

The setting is another factor. A goal in a crucial match feels more significant. The stakes are higher. Fans are on the edge of their seats. The pressure is immense. Scoring under such conditions adds drama. It makes the goal more memorable.

The distance from which the goal is scored can also matter. A long-range shot requires power and accuracy. It is thrilling to watch the ball sail into the net. This shows the player's strength and precision.

The goalkeeper's role cannot be ignored. A beautiful goal often beats a skilled goalkeeper. This adds to the achievement. It shows the player's ability to overcome a tough challenge.

The reaction of the crowd adds to the beauty. Cheers and applause create a sense of euphoria. The roar of the crowd echoes in the stadium. It amplifies the moment. This connection between players and fans is unique to soccer.

A beautiful goal also reflects the player's hard work. Hours of practice lead to that moment. The goal is a result of dedication. It is a reward for the player's effort.

In soccer, beauty is often subjective. What one fan finds beautiful, another may not. Yet, certain elements are universal. Skill, creativity, teamwork, setting, distance, the goalkeeper's challenge, and crowd reaction all contribute. These factors combine to create a moment of magic.

A beautiful goal is more than just a point on the scoreboard. It is a moment of artistry. It captures the essence of soccer. It shows the sport's beauty and excitement. It is a reminder of why we love the game.

Each beautiful goal is unique. It stands as a testament to the player's talent. It is a moment to be cherished. Soccer fans will continue to celebrate these moments. They remind us of the joy and wonder of the beautiful game.

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